Louder Than War

Saturday, December 18, 2004

Take it easy but take it

Randall - Take it easy but take it

Now this is as sweet a piece of music as I've heard all year. It comes off an album called Eight Storeys which a friend of mine randomly bought having liked something else on the same record label. I'm very glad she did. The album is predominately the work of the guitarist and composer Dave Randall, and is mellow and soothing and haunting and beautiful and all the things you'd hope a kind of laid back electro album made with proper instruments instead of computers would be...This track is the one that had the most impact on me, the one that had me rushing out (ok, not so much rushing out as signing into messenger) to tell all my friends about the joyous discovery that had been shared with me.

It's lovely, I reckon it probably suits the cold dark winter evenings well, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do.


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